Wednesday 13 October 2010

Week 3

Well that's Week 3 done.  Only 7 more until I have a completely baked, iced and decorated Christmas cake, I am sure this isn't long enough!!
My fruit for my cake has been soaking since the weekend in Brandy, I am turning it every day to ensure that it is totally soaked ready for when I need to make my cake in 2 weeks time, so that I can take it to class in November ready to marzipan, by then the fruit should be very boozy!!
Firstly we had to trace our arches and arrows onto tracing paper, then transfer this onto our cardboard, and cut this out to make our templates.  This took me back in time to being at school, as I am sure I haven't used tracing paper since then!
We then had to roll out our flower paste and cut out using our templates, we needed 5 large arches, 6 small arches and 2 arrows this was a little difficult as I didn't seem to have the correct flower paste, mine appeared to be an off white colour as opposed to everyone else's pure white flower paste, we then had to press out the snowflakes and keep these separate as these will become part of the overall decoration.
The time went so quickly tonight 9pm came around too quickly as I was enjoying myself so much, my only compensation for the time was that I had actually run out of my flower paste and I was feeling rather tired.

Well here is my finished arches, arrows and snowflakes.
These are now being left to completely dry out with my cake board.  We have made extras in case any of them break.
I am thinking however about making some more in the correct pure White flower paste. Well I left a bit disappointed as we have no lesson for the next 2 weeks, as the school are having an open evening, and then the following week is half term.  So 2 weeks off, what am I going to do?.... Make my cake during half term, and make more of these but after that who knows...

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