Wednesday 6 October 2010

Week 2

Week 2 is here and I am quite excited about tonight, as it's hands on time.
We all came in laden down with our bags heaving with all the supplies we need for this course. We were shown how to make mini piping bags from baking parchment (apparently this is better than greaseproof paper) which will be used for our forthcoming royal icing piping.
We then watched as we were shown exactly what we would be doing with our sugar paste and how this is applied to the cake board.
I was a bit apprehensive about starting out but soon got into the swing of things once I was kneeding and rolling the paste, then it was just a case of trying to roll the paste out to a big square big enough to cover our board, remembering to only keep it about 3mm thick. I was next painting my board a bit and trying to roll the rolled out paste onto my new rolling pin without it sticking!!
Whoopee this worked fine.  I then just had to try and trim the icing to fit the board exactly.
Once I was happy with my covered board I moved onto practising with the crimper's and embossers. Once I had the hang of this I then chose an embosser to cover the edges of my board with.
I think for a first attempt I am quite happy with my outcome.
This board is now stored for a few weeks to totally dry out.
Next week will see us making models.
Well this is me for tonight.  I really need to think about putting my fruit into soak with some Brandy.  Think I might even enjoy a little tipple!

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